
Alright remember when you said you were waiting for the season to end when I asked you. It’s now season 2. I’m waiting‍️


Thank you for responding at the least most authors don’t really care what their readers say but all I can say is that I can’t wait. See you whenever your able to write a re write.
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@Kenomega2 Hey there. Going to sound like excuses but I have no other way to say it. School took up all my time. Keep in my mind I started the story back when COVID was very much still a threat and thus I had the time to write during lockdowns. Now that school has been normal for the past year or two, my priorities have shifted. As much as I love writing, I need to secure my future first so I hope you will forgive me for lying so many times. I will not put up a definitive date, but I have actually been slowly working on a rewrite of the story based on all the new Information regarding the series. Nothing should change too much, but at least it will be more accurate to the material.
            Hope that answers at least something. It does warm my heart that even after such long inactivity there is someone who genuinely wants to see more of my story and that is something a writer wants to hear. 
            Once again I have nothing but excuses, but there's nothing I can do about that. I wish you the best of luck and have great day/night!
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