
I need a cover made for my new novel. Anyone can help me out?


@MrWriteAlot sorry for the late reply. Thanks for reaching out to me and I totally understand. I've been in that boat several times. Whenever you can works. I'm busy with class now anyways so the book want be finished until the end of the year.


@MrWriteAlot I would love to help you out! :) However I'm going to be out of town for the next week with no WiFi. :|


I need a cover made for my new novel. Anyone can help me out?


@MrWriteAlot sorry for the late reply. Thanks for reaching out to me and I totally understand. I've been in that boat several times. Whenever you can works. I'm busy with class now anyways so the book want be finished until the end of the year.


@MrWriteAlot I would love to help you out! :) However I'm going to be out of town for the next week with no WiFi. :|


Ok so the first few chapters have been fixed and hope you guys enjoy my work. If you haven't yet ready this novel I'm working I would really appreciate it if you check it out and give me your opinions on it, it definitely will mean so much to me to hear about what you think of it. Enjoy and please comment and vote for my story if you enjoyed reading it. Thanks!!!!


Hey guys somehow chapters 1-3 got screwed up. I'm working on getting it fixed so please be patient with me. I know a lot of you have been looking forward to reading my story and soon as its fixed I will let you all know. Thanks for your patience.


Just added Chapter 25 to Legend of the Fallen. Find out if Necko and Vivian have gotten any closer to finding Scarletta or will they just be left with more questions than answers.
          I add a new chapter every Friday so stay tuned!