
Hello everyone! I’m back! 
          	 I’ve been gone for a while because it’s past year has been huge for me. I have welcomed my first child, Elijah into this world as of November 20th 2018 and I am engaged! 
          	 I am going to catch up on my readings and then I will be writing my own stories! 
          	 I will try to re write all my other stories but I don’t want to make any promises. I’ve missed you all! 


Hello everyone! I’m back! 
           I’ve been gone for a while because it’s past year has been huge for me. I have welcomed my first child, Elijah into this world as of November 20th 2018 and I am engaged! 
           I am going to catch up on my readings and then I will be writing my own stories! 
           I will try to re write all my other stories but I don’t want to make any promises. I’ve missed you all! 


              The other day, I was experiencing some pain in my wrist and numbness in my fingers, I was totally freaking out and so my aunt and I went to the hospital. Turns out, I have carpel tunnel! Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist, so I cant do anything with my right hand, and its great because guess what. IM RIGHT HANDED!
             But me being the stubborn ass I am, I wrote with it anyway, and my teacher took my pencil and stared writing my notes and such. It's great, but I don't like it. 
             I will update soon, I have gotten so many ideas for all of my stories, and I will finish them by the end of the year. 
                  Expect an update in the nest few days, its already written up and is in editing! 
                    Thank you guys for being so patient, it really means a lot. 
            I love you!!
                      ~Mrs. Malik~ xx
          (OHMIGAWD ZAYN^ *Insert crying face*)


Hey Guys! I know it's been forever! I'm going to fill you guys in of what has happened, and why I haven't updated. 
            As you guys know, my best friend Chase committed suicide in October 2013, I felt like complete crap, but I still tried to update because I knew he wouldn't want me to not be productive. 
            Then in April, Finals were a pain, I started dating a guy, and Marching Band was starting, so I didn't really have time to write, and when I did, I did homework and caught up on sleep. 
            In June, July and August of 2014, Marching Band started fully and I was gone for 12 hours at a time, so I didn't get time.
            School then started again, and it was really hard trying to do all my AP homework and doing Marching Band at the same time. It was very hard, but I managed to do it. 
            Marching ended in November of 2014 and I was finally able to do some missing homework for school, and finally get my grades from C's to A's. 
            It took a while, but I finally got my grades up to a 4.8 GPA. Lots of hours studying and doing extra credit helped. 
            Now, the guy (I called him Zayn) his real name is Johnny, we broke up. He said that I was a really mean person, and that I always have something bad to say and that I was a bad person for skipping class. So I have been trying to avoid him and go to my therapy and other appointments, and my grades suck again. I have went from a 4.8 GPA to a 3.4. I live with my aunt and she is a huge perfectionist, so she took away all my devices (Even when I pay for them) and told me to get my grades up. Well, she doesn't know what kind of person I am, I got one of my friends to let me use her old phone, (Which happens to be an iPhone 5) and I have just gotten it, so I can write again. 
           BUT there is one more thing.