
New book called Overlord DxD, same character, what do you like, what don't you like, what would you change, what would you keep?


I have thoughts on another book, I know I shouldn't, but if I keep a steady stream of updates per week, then there won't be any problems, hopefully, anyway, anyone have any ideas they want, the main character will of course be Overlord (Blank Mask), but which world shall he to to?


Hey, so I wrote a new book, White Mask is the name, I'd love for you guys to read it


@Biggestbear565 but what are the thinks you like and what are the things you don't like and would like to change


@Doom_Slayer2ndACC love the book so far nothing need to be changed and I like how the overlord says that saitama is the second strongest and respects him for his power even tho he is human


@DivineRebirth no problem, do you like the book? What do you think, what are things you'd change? What do you like the most so far?