
Is anyone else a Simpsons fan, but ships Lisa and Bart? And no, I'm not some incest supporter, but they would just make the cutest couple! Ones a bad boy with no regard for what is right, and ones a book-smart geek who is all about following the rules. And as much as Bart pretends to hate Lisa, you can't help but love the moments when they work things out. You will love this ship if you don't already when you read "Blindness, a Simpson Fanfic" by Toppie. Look it up you guys! It's worth it.


On google, not wattpad.


Is anyone else a Simpsons fan, but ships Lisa and Bart? And no, I'm not some incest supporter, but they would just make the cutest couple! Ones a bad boy with no regard for what is right, and ones a book-smart geek who is all about following the rules. And as much as Bart pretends to hate Lisa, you can't help but love the moments when they work things out. You will love this ship if you don't already when you read "Blindness, a Simpson Fanfic" by Toppie. Look it up you guys! It's worth it.


On google, not wattpad.