
Hey! I got in trouble with my mom and unfortunately lost Wattpad for an undetermined amount of time. I’ll still be writing, but I won’t be posting. Maybe when I get it back I’ll post the ones I wrote. So until then I won’t be responding to any messages or posts. Sorry for anyone waiting for the new chapter, if you want to take it as your own, go ahead, just give me credit. I’ll see you when I see you!


@Emo_Nightmare94 I’ll miss you too! Hopefully by the end of the summer I’ll get Wattpad back, if I’m lucky maybe before, but it depends. Until then!


Hey! I got in trouble with my mom and unfortunately lost Wattpad for an undetermined amount of time. I’ll still be writing, but I won’t be posting. Maybe when I get it back I’ll post the ones I wrote. So until then I won’t be responding to any messages or posts. Sorry for anyone waiting for the new chapter, if you want to take it as your own, go ahead, just give me credit. I’ll see you when I see you!


@Emo_Nightmare94 I’ll miss you too! Hopefully by the end of the summer I’ll get Wattpad back, if I’m lucky maybe before, but it depends. Until then!


Omfg I finally have a new chapter idea and motivation to write it . It only came today and I’m so. freaking. happy! But after that chapter I have no ideas… so that’s a thing. Hopefully I’ll have some after writing this one. So there’ll def be a chapter this Saturday, or maybe sooner! Hope my motivation doesn’t die on me!


Probably won’t post tomorrow because I’m not feeling it (Best excuse, I know uvu) and I have no idea what to do for it. Maybe next Saturday, any ideas would be appreciated. Sorry and thank you!


That would be great! All I got for Chapter 7 is that Roman and the gang walk to the fire gym, fight some trainers, beat the gym, walk back to the hotel, maybe add a Team Rocket encounter somewhere in there as well. I, honestly, think that there should be something more than just battling and walking, that would be boring. So that was what I was stuck on. Some help would be greatly appreciated . And thank you for understanding as well!


Getting my freaking braces off today! So nervous  


Thanks! Can’t wait for you as well. It was the best feeling for me, even if I’ll have to wear retainers 


@Emo_Nightmare94 It went great! Had breakfast after and am finally eating a Snickers bar! Crying tears of joy!


If the next chapter for An Eevee’s Quest doesn’t come out on Saturday, here’s why. 
          I’m currently writing a one-shot of another crossover book that has been on my mind for awhile, and just had to write it down. It doesn’t mean AEQ is discontinued or on hatius or anything, just might miss this scheduled update.
          About the one-shot. I had an idea a couple days ago about a My Hero Acadamia x Pokémon crossover, except they are in Hisuian times. I’ve been playing Legend Arceus for quite some time, so I think I can write them in that time? Either way I’ve been too excited to write this book to wait until I was done with AEQ. So I might post it as soon as it’s done, and then work on the next chapter for AEQ.
          I’ll see you then!


This may be a long post but idc. I've been looking through Roman's Pokemon team and decided to redo it since some of the Pokemon I put in there probably aren't the Pokemon Roman would want. I feel Roman would have a royal-like team, so I looked through Pokemon and found a lot that Roman would have and can't decide, so if you want any of the specific Pokemon I'm about to list then I'll put them in. Here is the list I put together.
          -Bounsweet- The final evolution looks like a royal with the crown and all
          -Flabebe- Flowers in a garden type of deal
          -Ralts- Gallade is like a guard and Gardevior is like a princess
          -Growlithe- Guard dog or a pet?
          -Lillipup- Again, a guard dog or pet
          -Karrablast- Last evolution is like a guard
          -Petilil- Either a garden flower or a princess
          -Bisharp- Guard
          -Honedge- A kings sword
          -Golett- Used to protect castles
          -Swirlix- A castles baker
          -Kricketune- One of those musicians from those royal balls
          Some of these might be a stretch, but might as well put them out there. I couldn't choose which ones to put in. Maximum is four Pokemon since Roman has Litleo and Virgil and can't have over six Pokemon. Thanks!


I think he’ll be a varied because there’s not enough fire type royals for a team (at least I don’t think so). But I can see him choosing a Growlithe because it either looks stronger or cuter to him than a Lillipup. And I definitely saw Roman with a Honedge lol.