
If you had to choose between dying in the arms of your loved one and living your last moments with him, and letting him go to prevent him from the pain of loss, what would you choose?
          	أنت بدربك في جهاد ..وأنا بحبك في جهاد... 


If you had to choose between dying in the arms of your loved one and living your last moments with him, and letting him go to prevent him from the pain of loss, what would you choose?
          أنت بدربك في جهاد ..وأنا بحبك في جهاد... 


Destiny's actions are confusing, it throws little surprises along your way, but, it doesn't tell you whether they're good or not, whether you'll be hurt or not, it just looks at you from a far watching you get attached and try to hold on to that surprise, sometimes destiny decides to be fair and let you hold on, but other times it's so cruel that only does it take that surprise away, but it turns out that the surprise was only thorns with a flower on top, the harder you hold on to it to get a better view of the flower, the more you get hurt, and eventually it falls from your hands as you continue down your path watching it fly away like a passerby.....


People tell you that you should be yourself and someone will love you as you are with your mistakes, weaknesses and stupidity, to that person it would be perfect. But, they don't know how hard it is to be yourself, fighting these insecurities that fight you back vigorously. 


What if, just what if, you find out you're dying tomorrow, would you call the one your heart belongs to and tell that person how you feel?
          Or you would just die in silence?....


this message may be offensive
I was born to fulfill my destiny not yours, so fuck off..