
Hey guys, so sorry for not updating recently. This week is my exam week so hopefully by the week after the next chapter of The Life Of a Beta will be out! 
          	I was actually planning to shut down this account and stop writing for good but I recently saw that people do enjoy my stories so this time, I will try my hardest to stay consistent with my updates.
          	I do hope you guys understand!
          	I’m the type that goes with the flow so often time scheduling restrains my creative flow but I will try!
          	Hope you all have a good day!


Hey guys, so sorry for not updating recently. This week is my exam week so hopefully by the week after the next chapter of The Life Of a Beta will be out! 
          I was actually planning to shut down this account and stop writing for good but I recently saw that people do enjoy my stories so this time, I will try my hardest to stay consistent with my updates.
          I do hope you guys understand!
          I’m the type that goes with the flow so often time scheduling restrains my creative flow but I will try!
          Hope you all have a good day!


Oh god I've made so many promises on here and broke them all. Though I highly doubt there is any who follows my stories, I just wanna clarify some stuff if there are ppl who actually like my stories. First of all, from the period of the last post I made till now, I've been going through a lot. When I first started writing here I was confident in myself , even though I knew that I'm definitely not the best writer out there. A series of events have lead to me doubting every single thing I did. Though I loved my stories I did not have the confidence to continue writing, thus leading to an extremely long hiatus. As of now, I may still not be 100% confident but I do want to try. My hiatus has not ended yet (as I'm quite busy right now despite quarantine). At some point I will make a schedule to get my works out. Sorry this is not such a positive announcement but I hope you guys can wait a little while longer. I will find ways to improve myself so that I will not dissapoint you guys further.


Hey guys!Quick announcement!I'm taking down the Daughter of the 12 Olympians as there is too many things that need to be edited and I really want to focus on the direction of the story.I'm also doing research on many of my stories so I can get the facts right.I know that my stories are talking longer than promise but hopefully it will be worth it.Again thank you for the patience!


Haiz!Again I just want to say that I'm really sorry I haven't been updating.I'm really doing my best to push myself for more chapters and to update frequently.At the moment I've taken down the Immortal Guardians as I'm restarting that and I'm in the process of editing The Daughter of The 12 Olympians.I also have other stories that I'm working on that I hope you enjoy when I publish them.The current one I'm working on is a fanfiction for Trollhunters and I have a fanfiction for RWBY and one for Brother's Conflict.I'm planning to do one on Kuroko No Basket and Haikyuu! but I haven't started.Immortal Guardians is going to take a but longer becasue I want to see like what direction I'm heading.Also I plan to publish all my chapters once I have edited them properly.So thank you so much for your patience!