
It's 3:48am I've had no sleep and my exams start today  I know I'm going to fall asleep in middle of them I swear 


I'm so very excited for the 29th September due to me and my friends going to see Lovejoy live and we have been counting down days ever since we have got the tickets and it feels strange how close it is now. I am also very excited for the 25th October because in the UK the Five Nights At Freddy's movie date was moved forward to then. Also very sorry for not completing any stories it's just that I'm now in my final year of secondary school (year 11) and I'm focusing on studying for the end of October/ beginning of November practice exams then the March/April time ones then my actual exams in June/July. It's putting a lot of pressure on me so i hope you all understand. I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves. Drink water, eat a lil bit of food or as much as you can when you feel like it and please take your meds if you have any/need any. Love ya ❤️!!