
I really need to work on the next chapter of LFAK.............
          	I'm gonna be posting a short story soon. It's a long short story though, so I'm gonna split it into six chapters. It was actually a school assignment, but I got waaay to attached to the characters lmao


Also, I'm gonna start rewriting all my books


I really need to work on the next chapter of LFAK.............
          I'm gonna be posting a short story soon. It's a long short story though, so I'm gonna split it into six chapters. It was actually a school assignment, but I got waaay to attached to the characters lmao


Also, I'm gonna start rewriting all my books


I have temporarily stopped writing Barrier. I want to focus on Luck Favors a Killer and possibly get that story finished before continuing to write Barrier.  
          When I finish with Luck Favors A Killer, I plan to, possibly, restart Barrier. I am not satisfied with the world I have built and I want to fix it. I also want to expiriment with a new writing style with it.
          As for I'm Not Crazy, it will most likely be a while before I post another part. Again, I want to focus on Luck favors A Killer. This does not mean I'm Not Crazy is on a definite break. 
          thanks for reading mah stuffs peoples


Informations about Luck Favors a Killer!!!!!! Read this before continuing to read that book! Unless you weren't caught up, then you're fine!
          I changed chapters 6 and 7 (seven wasn't yet released) and combined some stuff from 7 with 6 to make the timeline flow better. 
          Read my books!


I updated Luck Favors A Killer! Things are getting spicy! 
          You should go see read it... and comment... and vote on your favorite chapters! 
          I'm Not Crazy is also a good read, if I do say so myself, so you should check that out too!


I updated "I'm Not Crazy". This chapter is a loooot longer than the other ones so far, and I want to start making them all this long.
          Also read my other stories. I didn't update them. You should just read it cause, yeah


Hey peoples!
           I have a Twitter account now that you should go follow cause ye. I post pictures of my characters and tell stories about my stories and random crap like that.
          So, yeah, go check that out! 
          (User is N1k1t0es)