
this message may be offensive
My Wattpad told me my email needed verified again and im scared I can’t post so if you guys are reading this then Wattpad was fucking lying to me


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I’m not hungry but I feel like I need to eat more because whenever I don’t it means something’s wrong then my dad knows something is wrong because he’s the only parent that gives a shit about his kid


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I swear dsmp Stan’s lose their shit over small jokes it’s so fucking annoying like stfu nobody cares 


And the term “Stan” originally came from “stalker fan”-


@N30th3r4t  The meaning of stan is literally " an extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan" though, people literally just turned the word negative when it's meant to describe someone who's just really enthusiastic about whatever it is they stan. While i understand there's a fine line between a normal stan and that one stan that says really creepy stuff some stans are just happy to be part of the fandoms they are. I honestly think of it like a puppy excited to see its caretaker, the pure joy and happiness. Maybe that wasn't the best example or didn't make sense at all but i tried?