
Sorry I haven't posted any content in a long while. I had a lot of time off school last year and because of my chronic ankle pain that flared I missed my end of year 12 exams and I'm currently redoing the year in a different school as the grammar school i went to refused to let me for reputation reasons. Anyway, the school I go to is a bit intense, in terms of the workload so I have literally no time to update any of my stories which I'm really really sorry for. I'm not abandoning any of them, they'll just be on hold right now until I find some time to update. Also, apparently wattpad has taken down the first book of Delilah's diary so if you want to read it, you can find it on ao3.


@NBokhari we understand, sweetheart


@NBokhari We totally get it. Just take your time!! I’ll most definitely still be here when u update watching her life again!!


We understand 


What happened to the first delilahs diary


@DavidPhilyaw4 that's what I would like to know but if u want to read it it's on her fanfiction.net it's under SishrahB