
          	I just wanted to say thanks to @PrincessAnime1 for voting and commenting on every single one of my chapters for "That Awkward Moment". Also, @RaccoonPrincess was commenting on that too, and I'd like to thank her especially because she reads, votes and comments on all of my books! Now, in return, remember to check out all their books because they're really awesome and remember to follow them too! Ok, then, bye guys. 
          	Love ❤, 


          I just wanted to say thanks to @PrincessAnime1 for voting and commenting on every single one of my chapters for "That Awkward Moment". Also, @RaccoonPrincess was commenting on that too, and I'd like to thank her especially because she reads, votes and comments on all of my books! Now, in return, remember to check out all their books because they're really awesome and remember to follow them too! Ok, then, bye guys. 
          Love ❤, 


Hey guys! I'm starting a new book, Crime In The City, so I would appreciate it if you could check it out! Also, that book is going to be updated every Saturday night, so keep an eye out for that! 
          And for my other books, I might update them once in a while, but I'm focusing on Crime In The City for the moment. So, if you liked Crime In The City, then make sure to spread the word, because I want it to get popular. Remeber to vote and comment on it too. 
          ❤ ❤ ❤ 