
I have so many partially started stories and things in the works, sometimes I wonder if I should just publish every single thing I’ve written lol 


Hi guys! It’s been a hot minute, just wanted to get on here and let everyone know that I AM still writing, although the process is slow I’m trying to get some stuff out there for you, hope everyone’s doing well! Don’t forget to give suggestions like always, I’m always looking for inspiration 


Looking forward to it


Reading through all my past announcements really prove to me how much I’ve matured and aged in the past two and a half years of being on this app
          And the fact that I used to avidly post weekly baffles me because now having free time is so rare, even in the summer
          Working on updates and publishing though !


I used to write for myself, to let out my thoughts and pursue imagination but not it feels more like a chore. I feel obligated to update regularly for my readers but my motivation to write right now is down the gutter.
          I’m still going to write. I just need to make it for me again. I love to write and express my thoughts, and trying to keep up with deadlines is not very helpful so I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while.
          I’ll get some chapters out soon, I just need some inspiration :)


@NadiaRomanoff is there a button to like this comment? I need it right now


I definitely get that. I hope you can get back into it regularly again soon! I wonder if there’s something you can do to make it for you again


@NadiaRomanoff same thing happened to me frfr


I just finished a novel “Zac and Mia” and now I am starting “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” (if you can’t tell I like cancer) anyways, 
          I SHOULD be reading the two summer books I was supposed to for Honors English, but they are soooo boring, so instead I’m reading these other books even though school starts Monday and I haven’t finished either of the assigned school ones. 
          Welp… I hope those who are soon to start school, or already have begun are having a grand time :)


I want to change my username but Idk what I want to change it to…
          Any ideas?


@VirginFantasy Thank you! That used to be my username but I don’t quite remember why I changed it… I think it’s so people knew I did more than just marvel


@Nadiaisprettycool your first name and the last name of your fav character eg (nadiaromanoff) also I just realized we have the same name