
Hi! I hope everyone's safe  during this god forsaken pandemic cause it's absolutely terrifying watching the news and if anyone isn't I wish you a speedy recovery. For all we can do right now is be there for each other ( from a safe distance of course) and hope or pray. Let's be real and cherish our time with our loved ones❤️ for the future is never wholly definite to us no matter how it appears to be. Till next time, good bye!


Hi! I hope everyone's safe  during this god forsaken pandemic cause it's absolutely terrifying watching the news and if anyone isn't I wish you a speedy recovery. For all we can do right now is be there for each other ( from a safe distance of course) and hope or pray. Let's be real and cherish our time with our loved ones❤️ for the future is never wholly definite to us no matter how it appears to be. Till next time, good bye!


Hi there! Thanks for the follow. Hope you have a fantastic day!
          God bless,


@Nainahussain4 That's super cool. Thanks for your support! <3


@avadel  Nah, I forgot to vote before 
            But both of you are awesome at writing poetry I loved “Beneath myself” and I’m starting ur book “of caverns and casters”  both of u r awesome writers 


@Nainahussain4 Thanks so much! What have you read? (Sorry if you've left a vote, and I missed it; I have an awful memory). (=
            - Laine