
I’m writing the final chapter for my Kny book rn, should I include the main ending with the chapter or make a separate chapter for the main ending like I will be doing with the alternative endings?


( ⚠️: LOOOOONNNG!) normally don’t post a lot of community posts but this one is a serious one that regards religion. (Specifically Christianity!) I’m a new Christian and I’m still learning about Christianity and things like that, recently, I discovered that I might be Cupioromantic? (I think that’s the term??) I’ve always felt the want for a relationship but I don’t feel romantic attractions and I didn’t think there was an actual term for that feeling, but apparently that’s what being Cupioromantic is. As a Christian, I myself cant be LGBTQ+, however I do support them, and I think they’re really nice people, it’s just I can’t be LGBTQ+. People tend to associate Cupioromantic with LGBTQ+ and my biggest concern is, is being Cupioromantic against being a Christian, or a Sin? I know Cupioromantic is technically on the Aro spectrum, which is the same spectrum as Aromatic, which is allowed for Christians. But I’m just worried that I might be going against my own religion ☹️


@LegallyMetal ah alright, thank you! My worry was definitely just misplaced. I did some research after and supposedly it’s alright to be Cupioromantic however I shouldn’t act like it’s something big and instead, focus on Christ, thank you sm for the help since your thoughts definitely helped me with the research!  


Dangggg twit-longer post worthy fr LOL, but hope you get help from others too! God bless again!


@Nakimesbiwaaa ( would go further into depth BUT I don't wanna annoy nor stress you out lol.) 
             - I think the worry is a LITTLE misplaced? It's not Christianity as a whole to fear/worry for, but your relationship with christ .
            -As a Christian we shouldn't search for anything to fill  our hearts that isn't Christ/God , ( of course, you can want relationships & romance but must remember to keep it in focus of Christ)
            - ALSO FINAL THING : it's ok and GREAT even to not hate anyone within LGB+ community nor ANY community , but to learn/understand WHY it's not ok and to have discernment for OURSELVES too . ( even if it's seemingly harmless. We as humans do a LOT that seems harmless, but it actually leads us and others around us TO harms way EVEN if it's distant .)


Today’s my birthday woohoo 


@Nakimesbiwaaa  np. Dunno your preferences so I just send a bunch of flowers and toys. I like stuffies but I dunno if you like stuffies but I'll still send'em your way hoping you like them. I really hope you had a nice birthday and tht you were surrounded by people you love. If by any chance you didn't celebrate it with anyone then I'll celebrate it with you.