
Hello guys! It's a long time 
          	I hope you're all in good and healthy condition.


Azur lane up dong 


@IbnuSina319 Makasih udah di ingetin, saya sering pulang kerja malem. Jadi capek duluan mau lanjut bikin. Tapi saya usahain biar bisa update. Terima kasih sudah setia dengan cerita saya.
            Thank you for reminder me, I'm often going home from work in late night. So, I feel so tired when want to continue. But, I will try to update my story in fast. Thank you for keep with my story.


New edit: Uchiha Overture - War of the Sirens. I hope you like this Idea I made.


@Nalahan23 I'm Offline in Discord because of this freaking internet gone nuts!


Baiklah sebelumnya mohon maaf jika lama sekali untuk memperbaharui chapter. Karena selama 6 hari saya full bekerja. Tapi saya akan usahakan agar dapat update chapter selanjutnya, jadi tetap sabar dan semangat semuanya ^^
          Alright beforehand, sorry if it took so long to update the chapter. Because for 6 days I was full of work. But I will try to be able to update the next chapter, so stay patient and cheer up everyone ^^