
Pfffft- if I haven't been very active, I got logged out of Wattpad for quite some time ._. 
          	I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration albeit the nasty things happening. I know it's getting harder and harder everyday but let's not lose hope yet. 
          	To who ever is wasting their valuable time reading this entire thing, I sincerely screech that you have a  fantastic day. owo


@NamJesus_Stan Welcome back! We missed you ❤️


Pfffft- if I haven't been very active, I got logged out of Wattpad for quite some time ._. 
          I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration albeit the nasty things happening. I know it's getting harder and harder everyday but let's not lose hope yet. 
          To who ever is wasting their valuable time reading this entire thing, I sincerely screech that you have a  fantastic day. owo


@NamJesus_Stan Welcome back! We missed you ❤️


Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well these days. If you ever need to talk, I will be here for you.


@purpleparrapio Meeeeerry Christmas you TomAto! I'm doing well, thank you! I hope you've been doing fantastic too! Yez! Lez talk to eachother about our depressing problems in life that the universe seem to dump on us- qwq


Hello I'm just here to say I hope you're doing good and having a good time and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm right here if or if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you or just need a hug I'm here with open arms ^-^ and stay safe<3


@Innocentlittlebug I'm happy to be there for you! And you're most welcome<3


@Innocentlittlebug This is one of the most wonderful thing I've ever read. Tenchu lil'bug!! I'm grateful I could have somebody to talk to about problemz. And, hey, you can count on me as well ♡ 


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I'm so fucking scared. Hahahaha
          My parents and I took a test, and I was the only one who came out positive. 
          Please send prayers, along with prayers for my family. 
          I've infected them, I dragged them along with this shitty virus. 
          My two year old sibling has symptoms, along with my other sibling, grandma and my parents. 
          I'm so fucking scared. I can't stop crying. 


@NamJesus_Stan OH I just realized that you can't see the GIF because the app blocks that....... I am an idiot forgive me 


@NamJesus_Stan Thank you and I apologize for that cringy ass GIF that I posted yesterday (I was supposed to be sleeping lol so I wasn't thinking straight). And please PLEASE take care of yourself. Sorry if I am kinda annoying but remember that I am always here if you want to talk <3


@purpleparrapio Thank you, I'll pray for you and your family too. You're too kind. 


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uwu there's a super typhoon that's bouta shit on my country  at 7 AM, it is currently... 3:18 AM.
          Why aren't I asleep? I may or may not have been babysitting my baby sister for the last couple of hours. THE CHILD IS A DEVIL- SHE WONT GO TO BED. SHOULD I JUST PUNCH HER IN THE FACE? SURELY, THAT'LL KNOCK HER OUT THE ENTIRE TIME THE TYPHOON FLOODS OUR HOUSE-


@jjeonthighs awe, yeah we're okay! It's here in ph. 


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@NamJesus_Stan holy shit r u good? also what country?


@Jesus_Stan Ahh well I will be praying to JESUS for you, please stay safe <3