
Today it's Friday and I would like to thank everyone who's following me. Most of us don't know how the curse originates in our lives. 
          	Let's have a look at this scenario, Ritah is in a relationship with her boyfriend and accidentally gets pregnant yet she's not ready to become a mom,she decides to abort and move on with her life.
          	Without knowing she becomes a murderer,and that innocent blood becomes a curse and sin. She might want to get married and realizes she gets miscarriages, unable to bear children.
          	But by God's grace,if we repent and ask for forgiveness through the holy blood of Jesus because he came to take away our sins not to condemn us . Stay blessed.


@NamugwanyaChristine I will check it out, Jesus was mighty but humbled himself and showed compassionate towards everyone who was afflicted and never condemned us,so we should feel sorry to whoever aborts because these people are never alone but we should fight the devil that continually whispers to them to carry on those actions without showing them the after effects, let's say,you've been faithful to your partner but the devil uses your close friend to show you how your partner is a loser and can never be able to provide for whatever you want in life,so giving it a thought,you start going after men with money not knowing they're HIV positive. In the end you become affected yet if you endured and worked hard with your partner,God would have blessed you. All in all we have to intercede for every sinner so that through the holy blood,they can be redeemed.


@NamugwanyaChristine I literally just wrote an essay a couple weeks ago on why Abortion should be made illegal. It's literally killing an innocent baby.


          JUST BREATHE VOLUME 2 is almost at 300 views and 250 votes

          ‍months of hardwork paying off ♊ 
          May - ...till date‍


Hello there I am a Ugandan 
          Just started posting my work yesterday 
          I would like to connect with you, I read your work as you do mine. We can maybe keep exchanging pointers. 
          I would also love to know how to build followers on Wattpad. 
          I will appreciate if you get back to me 


Today it's Friday and I would like to thank everyone who's following me. Most of us don't know how the curse originates in our lives. 
          Let's have a look at this scenario, Ritah is in a relationship with her boyfriend and accidentally gets pregnant yet she's not ready to become a mom,she decides to abort and move on with her life.
          Without knowing she becomes a murderer,and that innocent blood becomes a curse and sin. She might want to get married and realizes she gets miscarriages, unable to bear children.
          But by God's grace,if we repent and ask for forgiveness through the holy blood of Jesus because he came to take away our sins not to condemn us . Stay blessed.


@NamugwanyaChristine I will check it out, Jesus was mighty but humbled himself and showed compassionate towards everyone who was afflicted and never condemned us,so we should feel sorry to whoever aborts because these people are never alone but we should fight the devil that continually whispers to them to carry on those actions without showing them the after effects, let's say,you've been faithful to your partner but the devil uses your close friend to show you how your partner is a loser and can never be able to provide for whatever you want in life,so giving it a thought,you start going after men with money not knowing they're HIV positive. In the end you become affected yet if you endured and worked hard with your partner,God would have blessed you. All in all we have to intercede for every sinner so that through the holy blood,they can be redeemed.


@NamugwanyaChristine I literally just wrote an essay a couple weeks ago on why Abortion should be made illegal. It's literally killing an innocent baby.


Hello! Dear brothers and sisters, there's something I wanna share with you it's about being humble.
          James 3:14-15
          But if you have bitter jealous and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above ,but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
          I this era, people will talk however much without knowing the truth but as born again or christian learn to keep quiet for the battle isn't yours but for the lord. 
          Stay blessed in Jesus' name.


Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is okay and sympathize with those who are stuck in life complexities without knowing what to do but my darling never lose hope however difficult the situation is,do you know that God is always with us but we forsake him when we entirely entrust humans disappoint us in the end .
          " Cursed are those who trust humans"
          Give every trouble you have to God because he loves us when he gave us his only son to save us and bridge the gap between people and our God .
          Am planning on writing about reconnecting with God and also teach what I have learned about how we've got curses in our lives. I hope everyone to support this because the kingdom of heaven is at hand and everyone has to make way for the Christ. My dear,be prepared lest you're left behind because of ignorance.