
Hi all, it's been exactly a year since I last "updated" anything on this account.
          	Chances are that some have forgotten that they followed me and have no idea who I am anymore. So to that I say so what ;D
          	My works here are mediocre at best. What else was a 15-year-old to do at 3am during a global pandemic? If you enjoyed anything you read here, and also stan Enhypen, please follow my new account @lunengenex and read my book "HIGH."  Do you enjoy mystery? Plot twists? Romance? Love triangles? Fun inside jokes? Angst? Then I guarantee you'll enjoy the book.
          	Anyway, sorry for the self promotion. Thank you for reading my (mildly problematic) books and happy late easter, everyone!


Hi all, it's been exactly a year since I last "updated" anything on this account.
          Chances are that some have forgotten that they followed me and have no idea who I am anymore. So to that I say so what ;D
          My works here are mediocre at best. What else was a 15-year-old to do at 3am during a global pandemic? If you enjoyed anything you read here, and also stan Enhypen, please follow my new account @lunengenex and read my book "HIGH."  Do you enjoy mystery? Plot twists? Romance? Love triangles? Fun inside jokes? Angst? Then I guarantee you'll enjoy the book.
          Anyway, sorry for the self promotion. Thank you for reading my (mildly problematic) books and happy late easter, everyone!


          Rereading the stuff I wrote back in 2018 I realised I had no idea how wrong a lot of what I wrote was. Formal warning to anyone who stumbles upon my account, the writing isn't that good anyway and some of the stuff I wrote is cringeworthy just looking at it again. Not to mention unneeded misogyny in a lot of places. 
          I recognise the mistakes I made and I was wrong. I will not be using this account anymore. I recommend you don't read these books, but if you still want to then heed my warning. Truly, I did not write with the intent to poke fun at sensitive topics.
          I apologise sincerely.


So that happened...
          Life happened
          And I have a few announcements to make:
          1. Happy new year! I haven't really been on this app for a while and it's been pretty hectic this 2020
          2. I won 3rd place on the K Gleam awards for the book "Mafia - NCT 127"
          3. Due to writer's block and loss of inspiration, I'm discontinuing the sequel of my Markhyuck book named "Take me on". An alternate ending will be written and released soon on the original book, sorry for the inconvenience
          4. The Mafia book will not be left unfinished. I have been hacking away at it and will soon be released hopefully in the next few days or the end of next week
          5. New book ideas are up and running, a new book release may happen soon ;D
          And that's all, I hope you're having a great 2020, and those who are currently in the midst of Storm Dennis (Mah UK fam) don't go outside unless you want to get soaked. Bai :*


(Still on break btw)
          So uh... I have a boyfriend :3
          Never saw this coming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          It was bound to happen eventually... I'll get a chapter out soon dw guys I'm not gonna leave you hanging for much longer hang in there :)
          K Bye Xx


          So I definitely don't have the mf time to write at this moment. I'm sorry if you guys waited so long for an update but it just isn't going to happen as soon as you hoped. If I'm lucky I'll get a few chapters out before November but I'm not making any promises.
          And on a happy note, I kinda sorta got a hickey 
          K bye Xx


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Firstly, I'm really sorry for not posting the update and Tuesday like I was supposed to. School really is a bitch right now.
          Secondly, the dude like actually touched my thigh all lesson like whoopee . And then after form time, he pinned my wrists to the wall and kissed me.
          This is just gonna get more intense by the day and I can't do a thing about it (but it ain't harassment DW I'm into that sorta thing if that isn't weird lmao).
          K Bye Xx
          (Updates will most likely be over the weekend. Sorry again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


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I'm honestly beginning to believe I've been transported into a fan fiction.
          This afternoon, the guy I like grabbed my tie and kissed me and I was like hOlY sHiT.
          F U C K. He's hot.
          And as for the book updates, you'll get them tomorrow ;)
          K Bye Xx


Girl, you're lucky. 


@Nanamin__ damn that's hot. Kskskksksks Can't relate, though Lmao. 