
Hello makkaleyy, next update on Bewitched might take a day or two. Yours truly is getting a debtal procedure done tomorrow and for that I'm travelling. That's why it's taking a bit more time from me. 
          	Will get back soon 
          	Thank you, 
          	Nan ~


@Nandhu_Arshi Take your time❤ we will wait Nan


Hello makkaleyy, next update on Bewitched might take a day or two. Yours truly is getting a debtal procedure done tomorrow and for that I'm travelling. That's why it's taking a bit more time from me. 
          Will get back soon 
          Thank you, 
          Nan ~


@Nandhu_Arshi Take your time❤ we will wait Nan


          Sorry to post without your permission.
          I have wrote a fanfiction story. It's story of pure love and lovely parents. It has too much twists and turns. The story with most lovable hero and most stylish villain. 
          Please read the story once, If you like please share the story with your friends.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating new chapters. Believe me, I'm not abandoning you. I'm too worn out to sit and type. Cold vera nga. Once I'm fine I'll update for sure. Please be patient till then. 
          Thank you, 
          Nan ~