
I went to look at my story cos I was like “hey, why don’t I start writing again, I miss it” and it’s gone??? Like full on it’s just straight up gone??


I've just been reading this book and it is pretty cool but in the comments all it seems to be is "make it more like the books" "that's wrong, you must have autocorrect on-he's not blah blah blah" "omg I hated the movies,make it like the books" my dear if you didn't like the films and you're reading a FANFICTION that's based on the film then find a different one that's based on the say "why am I reading this, it's horrible" but your on chapter 5-if you didn't like it then stop reading it! I understand you're allowed to post your opinions but when you are telling someone HOW to write THEIR story then you are being really rude. How would you like if I came onto your stories and told you it was horrible? That it is wrong because it's not like the books or like the film? People who do that are the reason people can have their confidence knocked- so please if you're reading this comment or post it on your profile to let others see and if you have these comments don't believe them EVERY STORY IS AMAZING AND UNIQUE AND AWESOME IN ITS OWN WAY! DONT LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BRING YOU DOWN!  


@KeepingYouClose is the writer she's got loads of other books too


Oh and the books called Silver(A Percy Jackson Story) go read it, it's awesome 


The next part of Luna and Pheonix is up!
          Also I have a question i'm not saying now like right now but in the future maybe after I've finished this story or I could start now would you prefer a new story with new characters, a fanfiction and you guys can choose which one or a sequel to Luna and Pheonix??


@_Licensed_Fangirl_ I hear that too! Sorry about not replying 


@_Licensed_Fangirl_ yes, but I mean we also have to invite Jack like that could be our only chance to meet him