
Now than I am in college I have more (and no) time to write. While The Silver Dragon will still be on hold, I've managed to scrape some of my thoughts together for some short stories.


Mid Terms are coming up, so free time for me. I have some more of The Silver Dragon written down, but I plan on holding off till Christmas break before posting anything definite. I might post some more short stories, possibly more of Khaos and her Brothers.


The Silver Dragon is being put on hold for a while. I'm just having a lot of trouble putting my thoughts onto paper. I don't have much time to type either. I'm hoping to write some more when I can untangle my thoughts. Here and There Short Stories will still be updated everynow and then 


@WhiteTiger100 I know it seems like I jumped into the middle. But my character will reflect back to before then to explain more. The first chapters are just to show where she comes from, they play almost no part into the story as a whole. Thank you though, The chapters are short because I can't really type on my kindle, and when I was writing I also had very limited time to type, and very little idea how to get the character away from were she is. The chapters are very little detailed because even the character doesn't grasp what's happening to her. I appreciate your advice though. Thank you.