
Preference 16: Asking You Out
          	Zayn: You were hanging out at Zayn's place, just watching a movie, sprawled out over the couch, legs across his lap. He kept smiling at your when he thought you didn't notice, though of course you did. You finally let out a sigh and turn to look at him. "What is it, Zayn? Do I have something on my face?" "What?" he asks, confused. "Seriously, what kind of friend are you?" you ask him jokingly, a small smile playing on your lips. He rolls his eyes at you. "Haha. Very witty. If you must know, I was thinking." "Thinking about what?" You ask, propping yourself up on your elbows a little bit. "Just things." He turned back to the movie, a small smile on his own lips now, knowing how much you hated it when he did stuff like that. "Zayn," you whine. "What stuff?" "You know, stuff." "Come on, Zayn, really." "Fine, fine, you annoying person." He mock glares at you, which just makes you smile at him innocently. "If you must know, I was wondering if you'd say yes." "Say yes?" "If I asked you on a date." You think about it for a few seconds, the smile on your lips getting larger. "To answer your question, I think I would."


Preference 16: Asking You Out
          Zayn: You were hanging out at Zayn's place, just watching a movie, sprawled out over the couch, legs across his lap. He kept smiling at your when he thought you didn't notice, though of course you did. You finally let out a sigh and turn to look at him. "What is it, Zayn? Do I have something on my face?" "What?" he asks, confused. "Seriously, what kind of friend are you?" you ask him jokingly, a small smile playing on your lips. He rolls his eyes at you. "Haha. Very witty. If you must know, I was thinking." "Thinking about what?" You ask, propping yourself up on your elbows a little bit. "Just things." He turned back to the movie, a small smile on his own lips now, knowing how much you hated it when he did stuff like that. "Zayn," you whine. "What stuff?" "You know, stuff." "Come on, Zayn, really." "Fine, fine, you annoying person." He mock glares at you, which just makes you smile at him innocently. "If you must know, I was wondering if you'd say yes." "Say yes?" "If I asked you on a date." You think about it for a few seconds, the smile on your lips getting larger. "To answer your question, I think I would."