
Chapter 4 is up by now!! Where are all the Good Omens fans gone, guys?


@ chishiyaissmart  Always counts haha


Here (if 4 years later counts)


Brooooo when are we getting Chapter 11?!


@ HOOMAN_15  No worries, I'm happy to know there are actually people invested and waiting for what I write haha


Okay :) sorry for being a bit pushy... I love your work and I hope you're doing well :D


@ HOOMAN_15  as soon as I'm done writing it lol. I've been working a bit more on a different good omens fic recently so...


Hi, Nayeliq1. I recently read ‘I Forgive You’, which is honestly one of the best fanfictions I’ve ever read so thank you for writing it! You’re a super talented writer, keep it up <3 


@ chishiyaissmart  Thank you very much! I'm really happy you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun writing it. Thanks for taking the time to let me know, I appreciate it :)


Hey! I finally decided to used this channel hahaha Regarding the last fic of yours I was reading (the one you updated yesterday), I just got curious. Like, the idea is totally yours ? Because I'm amazed how deep was indeed all the conversation with god, like you went further than just the two idiots in love (a part I adore to read) but that other part, spiritual one, let's called it, it was really interesting also.


@FlorenciaGomezMonroy Thanks! And I'm happy to share, glad you found it insightful. Guess that I'm interested in this is a reason why I'm drawn to media like good omens that reference religious things. My two favourite pairings to write for both involve an angel, can't be a coincidence haha xD Ineffable husbands obvs and destiel from supernatural, very similar dynamics in a lot of ways and just the sort of character I get far too invested in lol


Mm I see. Well, you can be a little less sad because I think you are doing a great job at portraying your approach, like showing there is another way to see and interpret the religious phenomenon. I mean, I'm a really sceptical person regarding religion although I always tried to separate the individual experience from the institutional one, but I never fully understood how the individual experience is, but thanks to you now I got to see a bit of that. And I also didn't know what exactly theology meant, so thanks for teaching a bit about that also, I'm learning a lot with you! Who would have thought that fan fiction teach one so much !


@FlorenciaGomezMonroy Yeah this is the kind of religion I grew up with and I've always been happy I have that bc it's helped me a lot when I was in difficult places in my life, so I'm always sad that through the way it's presented and practised a lot of the time so many ppl have bad experiences with it and don't want anything to do with it. It definitely can be super rigid and I'm not here to tell anyone what to do, I don't really care if ppl are connected to that or not, it just makes me sad that I know it can be such a nice thing to have and maybe some ppl would have been open to having that too but won't now bc they've come in contact with the wrong approach to it yk. Anyway, for me it's basically always about separating faith and the image of God from religion bc a lot of what's practised is just human invention and doesn't have anything to do with God. That's how I see good omens too, the things that are going wrong with heaven are down to some angels making wrong choices and that's separate from god and her vision for the world. Man I'd love to really get into that and pick scenes apart where azi talks about human potential and ineffability and stuff and interpret that stuff in a paper, it'd be so cool. In my studies we basically treat theology like a science so it's not at all like "listen to what the bible says" it's all about interpreting texts in front of the historical background and that sort of thing, getting a more negatively connotated portrayal of theological concepts in media would be so interesting


Hey! Also vllt bisschen komischer Gedanke aber da überraschenderweise meine völlig überbewertete Newtina fanfic immernoch Beachtung findet und ich durch neue fandoms (und Uni lol) nicht wirklich dazu komme die deutsche Übersetzung zu machen...
          Ich dachte ich frag einfach mal meine deutschen mit Newtina fans, die auch des Englischen mächtig sind, ob irgendwer Bock hat die Übersetzung zu machen! 
          Ob das dann als eigene Story mit credit gepostet wird oder ob ihrs mir schickt und ich es mit credit zu meiner bisherigen Übersetung hinzufüge könnte man ja noch überlegen. Dachte nur vllt hätte irgendwer Spaß dadran. Naja derjenige könnte sich dann einfach bei mir melden!
          Viele Grüße an euch alle!