
I just had a weird email from wattpad just today saying that my stories were accessed and bought by another author like wtf is happening? 
          	I was required to change my personal info and password. 
          	Last time I had a strange message on wattpad. I clicked it but I didn't reply to it or in any way click the link in that private message instated I deleted it.  I am beginning to think something fishy is up! When I looked up the trade mark of the company this private messaged had promised me to turn my books into paid stories, it came from China  haha LMAO okay guys don't fall for it at all. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL ENOUGH FOR PAID STORIES! 
          	I'm joking just teasing you all  stay safe and I hope you learn from this post not to fall for bs because well.....the world is full of bs so be careful 


I just had a weird email from wattpad just today saying that my stories were accessed and bought by another author like wtf is happening? 
          I was required to change my personal info and password. 
          Last time I had a strange message on wattpad. I clicked it but I didn't reply to it or in any way click the link in that private message instated I deleted it.  I am beginning to think something fishy is up! When I looked up the trade mark of the company this private messaged had promised me to turn my books into paid stories, it came from China  haha LMAO okay guys don't fall for it at all. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL ENOUGH FOR PAID STORIES! 
          I'm joking just teasing you all  stay safe and I hope you learn from this post not to fall for bs because well.....the world is full of bs so be careful 


Thank you so much for all the votes and comments =))


Since you like astrology so much is it too much to ask what yours is? :)


@Motivational15 I'm too excited too wait but I'll wait lol 


@Motivational15 im glad you liked them. I will update as soon as i can. 