
I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me, even through my absence.    Your support means a great deal to me.  I plan to be more active on here, however, I am not sure if either of my book clubs will be active again.  If I do become active on here, most of what I will post will be history-related, since that is related to my future career.  If you'd like to chat, just send me a message on here, add me on facebook (just let me know you come from wattpad), or you can email me at  Again I really appreciate all of you supporting me even though I have not been active.  It really means the world to me.


Hey Necessittee! I don't  know if you remember me,  but we used to talk a lot on here and were avid followers of each other....before my leap of absence haha. Anyway, I'm back! I have up my passion for writing for a bit ( I had depression and other issues) but im back at it and I'm glad to be back. I'll be checking out all your new work girl! Glad to see you're doing well and graduated college! Congrats :)


I’m so sorry I’ve taken so long to reply. I haven’t been on much either. If you want to shoot me a private message, I’d love to catch up!


I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me, even through my absence.    Your support means a great deal to me.  I plan to be more active on here, however, I am not sure if either of my book clubs will be active again.  If I do become active on here, most of what I will post will be history-related, since that is related to my future career.  If you'd like to chat, just send me a message on here, add me on facebook (just let me know you come from wattpad), or you can email me at  Again I really appreciate all of you supporting me even though I have not been active.  It really means the world to me.


I'm sorry for leaving so long. I'm going to try and get on more often. Life got busy and I wasn't able to get on. Thank you to all of my followers who have stuck with me even when I wasn't on here. I really appreciate it guys. You're all the best!


Wattpad changed the formatting of my essay. Why, wattpad, why? I can't fix it right now because I have to go take my English final, so I'll fix it later (if I remember to that is).


this message may be offensive
@NecessitteeLyday  BTW your welcome (titans chase me) TITANS DIE!!!!! ( kills all da titans in one touch of sword) kill titans better than me me:cause you suck.   I luv attack on titan


I'm sorry I haven't been on, I've been busy with school. Currently I am making straight A's in college (which I've been told is difficult). I plan to maintain my grades, which is why you don't see me on. Plus I honestly have nothing new to add to anything. I've written a few words, but nothing I plan to post. I'm on hiatus until winter break for now, and then I will reevaluate my situation. Please do not be mad at me, and I encourage you to join other clubs until I figure my life out. If you would like to chat, you can email me at or add me on facebook or tumblr. It's your choice. You don't have to. Also if you would like to message me on here, I will only take questions (If you want to chat please email or one of the others I mentioned). Thank you all for your support! I hope to be on as soon as I can. I also wanted to let you know, I take a few moments here and there to read a story on wattpad. This does not mean I'm coming back to post or run my clubs. All of you are the best, and I thank you all for understanding.


Hey everyone! Alright I have some news. I'm taking a break from Wattpad. I'm not sure how long it'll last. I just haven't felt very inspired to write anything. I might post a bit on my other account with my friend at @PoeticSouls, so you might want to keep an eye on that. In the meantime I'd like to keep in touch so if you'd like to email, my email is or you can add me as a friend on Facebook, just click the Facebook box up there or search for Necessittee Taylor Falcone. I hope you all understand and if you do thank you. I think I just need some time to rediscover myself and my love for writing. I'll try to get on here and reply to messages, comments, and things like that, BUT I will not be posting for a while. Thank you all for your amazing support!