
Hi cutie pies  how are you all huh !!!I miss u all' I wanna say that my 4 th sem of has started so plz wait for me... Can u do do that for me ???
          	Please pretty please 
          	And as soon as it will end I will start writing the ff okay !!!till then your vampire queen  will be at rest so please share it and vote it okay cutie pie  
          	Till then saranghaeo 


Hi cutie pies  how are you all huh !!!I miss u all' I wanna say that my 4 th sem of has started so plz wait for me... Can u do do that for me ???
          Please pretty please 
          And as soon as it will end I will start writing the ff okay !!!till then your vampire queen  will be at rest so please share it and vote it okay cutie pie  
          Till then saranghaeo 


Hey cutie pie s how r u all ??  Hmm tell me hmm I am good but not good what to do ??? Hmm tell me okay I will come to the straight point that Pongal means our Telugu people big festival means makara Sankranti afterwards I will update the chapters of my chubby bun story and and post merry christmas and advance happy new year 2024 and sorry for not uploading the parts just because of my 3rd sem exam and also I can't enjoy my own festival just because of these damn exams  it really hurts so bad  what to do when the exams are nearer and when my exams complete ✅ then I will update the story 10 parts okay  sorry  for u all and for me hmm that will be jan 18 2024 okay  and please read the previous parts and vote it if you like it and and share it to other frnds it really motivate me.  ..... 
          Huff.. a long breath....
          Good night  sweet dreams take care bubbye and meet you next year .....
          .,...... This is your sweety signing off