
Wassup it’s been like 4 years to the day since I’ve been here last. I just wanted to say that I’m alive and deeply embarrassed. 


I hate that I’m doing this now but I’ve realized that I really shouldn’t be posting my story on here. It’s not ready. It’s not even close to being ready. I have no idea what I’m doing with it. I’ll probably figure it out as I go but for now I’m opting to remove it from wattpad. I know that some (very few) people will not like this and that’s understandable but I hope you’ll respect my decision to wait for it to be ready. Honestly, I don’t know when that’ll be. It may take me a year to just write it. And then maybe another year to edit. I’m not under some illusion that my very few readers will wait that long but I hope that when it’s ready you’ll somehow come across it again. 
          All my love,
          Jasmine Ripley
          P.S Dark Poems will still be updated


Ok guys, I’m back from my little “break” from wattpad. Sorry I didn’t let you guys know in advance. It has been a month as of tomorrow since my last update for my name is blind and I’ll be lying if I said I had the next chapter ready. I don’t. For some reason I just keep rewriting the same sentences over and over again in different ways. Frankly, I have no clue what’s going on but trust me guys I’m working on ways to get my creativeness flowing again. I hope and strongly believe I will have an update soon  but school starts today so it may be a while till I get back in the groove. I’ve heard after all that sophomore year is a lot harder than freshmen. Wish me luck!


Sometimes I question my very existence when I come across cliche "romance" stories. Or you know stories where the guy is big and dominant and the girl is weak and small. Stories where the girl does one of two things, 1.) let the guy protect her and does nothing to improve her situation *cough*twilight*cough* 2.) let him teach her and when he messes up despite his many years of fighting skill and things she RISKS HER LIFE to save his sorry butt. Makes me want to throw up. Wattpad, what happened to standards?


Nearly at 100 reads for my name is blind!!! Yay. So excited! I’m gonna be honest here, I’ve been procrastinating. I’ll buckle down and start writing tmmrw (my sis birthday is today) I PROMISE!! Love y’all


@Netflix_Addict_ happybirthday be later 


lies. this week i have unlimited tv acess. i aint missing it for the world.