
this message may be offensive
So, like, eleven months ago i told you guys about disappearing and I'm now here to inform that I'm officially back! I will get to posting all my shit here as soon as I can and after this terrifying artistic block is over i'll give you some new content! (possibly even gonna post one new thing next week, let's see...)
          	Love you!
          	~ Taru


this message may be offensive
So, like, eleven months ago i told you guys about disappearing and I'm now here to inform that I'm officially back! I will get to posting all my shit here as soon as I can and after this terrifying artistic block is over i'll give you some new content! (possibly even gonna post one new thing next week, let's see...)
          Love you!
          ~ Taru


heyya!! i'm currently binge-reading practically all your fics now, just to let you know XDD i really like your writing-style?? (i've commented this before on ao3 haha, but i gotta say it again-)
          hope you have a great day/night and keep on writing, love !! <3333


@jinniejohns Hiiii!!! That's nice to hear! I'm happy that someone is enjoying my fics :) 
            also have a nice day/night yourself!! And stay healthy! Oh and thank you once more!
            With Love, Taru


Hello my dearest followers, if anyone would anytime want to help me get a tad happier, because I feel like crying all the time nowadays, I would totally love it...
          I haven't been able to write anything new lately, because I've spent all my energy in acting happy and smiling with my friends...
          Three of my friends (at least three..) are in bad shape with their mental health (should I put s there?) mnd I'm so worried about all of them. I'm really worried for my own well-being because of that too, because I don't have energy to take care of myself without all this, but with it, I spend all my time alone either crying or anxiously laying in my bed and having weird hallucinations.
          But yes, if anyone would be up to talking to me about something (even just nonsense) I would love it. I need to write and I'm almost ready with a taegi omorashi, but it will take a while to actually get ready, so don't mind me disappearing from the face of the earth...
          If anyone wants, come talk to me on Snapchat ( totuustarusta ) Instagram ( tottavaitarua or taewithextrasuga ) kakao ( tottavaitarua ) or message me here, or email or ask for my number.


Thank you for adding my book into your reading list 


@Nevertrue awwww thank you. Hearing these things really makes writing worth it


@Alisha2426 You shouldn't thank me, you are the one who created such an amazing story! Just THANK YOU for writing it!


Sad to say, but I want atleast one read before I'm going to post more. I don't want to post stiff just to read it myself and hate myself even more because of it. If it is too much to ask, then it is... then I'll continue posting them somewhere else... 
          Love, Taru