
Hi everyone! So a few things! I will be doing  two halloween themed books this year and one poem/ random halloween story. The first story is about a clown in a small town that is infatuated with a teenaged boy. The second is about different horror stories that are based off of similar stories that happened in real life...Thank you all for reading!


Hi everyone! So a few things! I will be doing  two halloween themed books this year and one poem/ random halloween story. The first story is about a clown in a small town that is infatuated with a teenaged boy. The second is about different horror stories that are based off of similar stories that happened in real life...Thank you all for reading!


Hey, everyone! Sorry, that its been so long...I'm working on a big that I've been working on for the past four years! I'm writing a trilogy, that I'm hoping to get published. But don't be alarm, I love my Wattpad and I will continue to finish each of the stories I began... P.M just reach its end or did it..? And I promise, Aqua, Days, and abandoned will all be finished soon...after I finish them, I'm going to take a break for a few months in order to focus on my trilogy. I hope you all continue all are very inspirational! Thank you for your love and support!