
Okay so apparently wattpad deleted the message I wrote in November/December about leaving wattpad? So for those of you who don’t know, I’ve been planning on leaving for quite some time now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here or message me!❤️❤️❤️


@theartofinvisibility aww this means so much to me, thank you so so much. I really hope I can write an original book in the future, that would be lovely! Thank you for all the kindness and support <33


This hurts a lot more than expected omg. I remember reading paper aeroplanes for the first time and just crying. You wrote so well, it's amazing. I hope to see an original work at some point, but like no pressure! You're just a beautiful writer.


@-twinklythomas no not deleting, just leaving :)


Seeing that you’ve left made me a little sad, I came back and suddenly remembered reading your book and falling in love and wanting to go through it again. Really sad to find it gone but I hope you have an amazing life. ❤️


Hey I just wanted to say that I loved your Pisin and wine story. It’s actually what made me watch godless and man did I love that show so much I rewatching. Thank you so much for it I wish I could read it one more time but I guess I was too late. I hope you’re doing well!