
Hi all
          	I've done a radical rewrite of Melody 5 which I will be reposting as Melody 4 as I've cut one major character.
          	I will be taking down Melody 5 within the next 3-5 days.  Let me know if you're currently reading it and I'll leave section until you're finished.
          	NN :-)


Hi all
          I've done a radical rewrite of Melody 5 which I will be reposting as Melody 4 as I've cut one major character.
          I will be taking down Melody 5 within the next 3-5 days.  Let me know if you're currently reading it and I'll leave section until you're finished.
          NN :-)


Well, I've done it - I've uploaded the final chapter of Melody 5 - Rising Stars.  Hurray!!!  
          It's been quite a challenge but I've persevered & hopefully people are enjoying reading it!  
          Please feel free to leave any comments or votes...

          NN :-)
          I definitely think there's room for a Melody 5 Vol 2, but think I need a bit of a breather first!!!


Melody 5 Rising Stars Chapter 13 uploaded and waiting to be read.
          Please leave any constructive comments & feedback and if you're enjoying it then please feel free to vote (hopefully it will encourage more people to check it out)
          Can't believe I'm so near the end of the story.  Only a couple of more chapters to go!! Onwards!!
          NN :-)