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Just a normal girl who loves to write about One Direction

I have a very poor grade in math because one of the problems was 12d times 3 divided by 18 minus 1
My answer was perfection! (Real answer was 1D)

R.I.P. Curly The Cat 2/14/2012 - 2/4/2015 I will always Love you<3

PLEASE ENJOY MY STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

83% of directioners wouldn't care if Niall quit One Direction, repost if you are part of the 17% that would fall to the floor and cry.............THEN DIE!!!!!!

1 question . 1 honest answer. You can ask me a question (IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE) about anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, publicly indecent, embarrassing or wrong it is. No catch, I will answer, but i dare you to post this on your profile and see what people ask you.
  • انضمJanuary 5, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
NiallHarryLiamLou5 NiallHarryLiamLou5 Nov 28, 2019 01:04AM
Omg I just logged back in here after years of not being on and omg I missed posting my writing so much! I found a binder full of chapters and story lines for some of my works and im wondering...shoul...
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