
Also I’m looking for someone who can make book covers! 


Hello lovely’s! I’m Audi and I’m the ‘new owner’ of this page! My main user is Liamsbabygirls where I have multiple one direction fanfics if ya wanna check those out (that self promo tho lmao). Anyway I’m super glad to be here and you can always message me if you need to! I love you all ❤️


Hey! The book My Mate's My Brother? Omg it's SOO  good like oh my gosh I can actually picture everything single thing. Usually when I read other stories I can't really get the pictures you know? Like your imagination. But this book oh my good gracious it's the best your book is one of my faves and that I can't actually picture.THANK YOU FOR THIS AWESOME STORY! Every time I read I always have a smile on my face it's SOO freaking good .


@yaoipunk well im very happy you enjoyed it!!! (:


Hey not that any of you probably care but today birthday! XP But in other news I'm hoping to have two new chapters out for the books in working on! Also, my Niam book will be taken down soon! I'm redoing it so if you lien it please tell ur friend about it before it's gone! Sorry for the bad grammar, I love you all!!! Bye! 


 Like how no one cares about your existence XD 