Hey I'm Nikki. I don't give no fucks about that haters but as soon as one fuck with my friends or family I will fuck up their face.
I am pansexual and I don't care who knows cuz guess what bitches I got the best of both worlds .
Music and art are my passion. Take them away and I am nothing.

I am here for anyone who has ever felt like or done anything like cutting ur body, puking after eating, skipping meals, burning, or even if you have attempted suicide and I want you to know that I have been there, I've hated every ounce of myself, but now I'm on the road to recovery I don't skip meals, puke after eating, burn or cut myself, or attempt suicide anymore. It was a struggle and nothing's gotten easier I've just built myself up. I can't say that I don't still dislike myself or that I can say I'm even remotely beautiful, but I'm getting closer to loving myself and that's what matters to me.
I will never tell you that it gets easier cuz it doesn't but you can get stronger if you want, and I will never EVER tell you that recovery is easy cuz it's not you have to work your ass off, but what I did to make it easier is I found an inspiration to get better. Mine was my lil sister, but your inspiration could be any one a family member, a friend, or a boy friend/ girlfriend
  • somewhere over the rainbow
  • JoinedFebruary 26, 2016