
my kinemaster just deleted all my progress   T^T oh God
          	Next part coming upsoon Stay Tuned {^0^}


Hi to my followers is reading this tonight! _^_
          just an update to the current story I'm doing:
          I was almost done with like a lot of chapters last year but I think a bug happened to attacked my computer and then a few of them are deleted and this got me frustrated, making me to spend my time editing musicals in gacha on yt instead of being drowned in frustration (I'm fine now TvT)
          and I'm also drowned in a bunch homework now bc of this sooo... yeah TvT
          And I just re-read how dumb I wrote my previous chapters in my first story TvT 
          so I want to inform you that I wanted to rewrite all of them and at the same time update those changes after this year (or at least maybe until the first beginning scenarios are finished)  
          I'm so sorry for this, but I wanted to make this a story to be enjoyed at the same time understandable TvT  If I rush this, I'll let you down and I don't want that. I want to do my Best since this is the only productive thing/hobby(I think) that I hold dear. 
          I'll leave it as it is for now but in the future I hope I would do more that expected. I just need time. Can you be patient with me? (TvT)
          Thank You for Your Attention, Have a Wonderful Day/Night ^_^


Hey Guys! I just wanna Inform you guys that I MIGHT not update The Quest for the Mystic Castle within this month.
          After the 'Short Announcement' last time I got Very Excited with the online stuff i'm doing but I  also noticed myself almost losing track with my responsibilities for school T^T... which causes me to have some 'breakdowns' 
          I really need to focus on my online studies but I really also wanted to continue the story (dangit T^T)
          I hope whoever is reading this and my 1st sanscest story, to wait for me to recover.  I'm so sorry it will take a while...
          This is  IG1106 signing out


3 days before this time tonight (August 9, 11:29pm) 
          I saw this random question somewhere... And I answered. 
          Question: If you had a 'chance' to be 'free' would you do it? 
          My Answer:
          I'm not sure if I got that right. For Me it depends on the situation... 
          For me, having a chance to be 'FREE' in almost everything we don't like in this world OR having da freedom in all EPICEST Impossible stuff we can get or CREATE... is a Relief, 
          or would I rather say a DREAM. 
          I mean... like if you got a chance to be FREE from a REAPER's deadly touch, 
          FREE To be OUT of Diz KILLER World, 
          from an InSULTaBle DEstInY,
          a HORRABLE NighTmaRe,
          In an UnRADICAL EVenTx or JjjOobBb,
          or maybe being too much CLASSICLY HYPED in some situations that causes you to either FALL or MURDER someone else's FEELINGS or...  
          Or Free from being a 'puppet' of someone or something, in which, you are being forced to do something uncomfortable or tired of doing... Like to be Free in choosing the right ACT. 
          FREE from PRISON (nothing serious okay!!??) 
          And even though we all know reality is sometimes and somehow 'disappointing' _-_
          LIFE goes on anyways... AFTER everything... And out of ALL the people out there you're the LUCKY one
          Then Why WASTE an opportunity to be free? Right? 
          Well as long as our goal in using it is for what we think is more right for our own and to the ones CLOSEST to us. To the ones we <Loved> the most, 
          AND THAT still depends on what our heart and soul says, the HOPE and DETERMINATION  that's within us. 
          Ohhh Mahh CREATORZ !! I'M BEING NOSY ONCE AGAIN  sorry about dat... I just hope with this little light that's inside of me... I can still share something to all of you.
          May the MIGHTY CREATOR BLESS YOUR Day or Night! 


Hello fellow reader who is reading this today! 
          I just want to say sorry for not updating my 1st story these past days...
          I kinda been having symptoms of coughing recently... don't worry tho! I don't have the "Coronavirus". But seriously guys... watch out for the virus... especially YOU Chinese people! (Wear masks, wash your hands AND PHONE!  and STAY SAFE AT HOME)
          and to be honest... I also kinda lost track of the story I've been writing lately... but after days of 'not being able to hold my computer', I finally got the track of it ^_^ soooo... Stay tuned guys! I'll be updating the Mystic Castle soon 
          Btw! about the previous chapters of this book... I think there will be a few changes... or... edits.. I guess? So that the Story will be 'better' 
          so... yea.. thank you for your attention! 
          (I'm still a kid tho in writing fanfics... so wish me luck! thank you again) 
          Have a nice day... or... night