
Greetings everyone! Those of you who still follow my Persona 3 story probably noticed how... Quiet it has been.
          	I've been focusing on school more and more, my final exams are coming up in the next few days, but the show must go on!
          	I've started a new Persona 3 Reload run (hope y'all have been enjoying the game as much as I have!!), so the motivation to continue the story has grown again. Expect the next part in the near future ^^


Greetings everyone! Those of you who still follow my Persona 3 story probably noticed how... Quiet it has been.
          I've been focusing on school more and more, my final exams are coming up in the next few days, but the show must go on!
          I've started a new Persona 3 Reload run (hope y'all have been enjoying the game as much as I have!!), so the motivation to continue the story has grown again. Expect the next part in the near future ^^


God it has been 2 months and I have literally no time to continue my story. I'm sorry guys, I'm trying my best ;-;


@DomThePhantomRowlet No worries, this happens to me all the time too. It’s crazy how busy life gets :/
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Okay, so, I've been thinking on Releasing a Persona 3 Story, so I wanted to ask if you guys would be interested in that, since I don't want to post anything that you guys don't want. 
          What do you think?


@DomThePhantomRowlet Glad to know I could help ^^ and sure mate, hit me up in DMs and I’ll try help you with a title 
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@TheLoneWanderer17 But I have to ask you something again, I need a title for the story, I can't think of anything. (Hoo boy this is already starting out great...)
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@TheLoneWanderer17 Thanks man, yeah, I think I'll do it. Your opinion always helped me so far xD
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