
Hi all,
          	I have unpublished Nahla: Warrior of the North from Wattpad, as planned. The book is now moving ahead in the publishing process and a subsequent draft is in the works.
          	If you still want to read the first-draft chapters, I am posting them weekly on my new Patreon page:
          	Thank you for your interest in Nahla. If you want to stay updated on Nahla's journey through the publishing process, please join my free newsletter, where you will also get a free story and other goodies:
          	Happy reading!
          	Nick Marone


Hi all,
          I have unpublished Nahla: Warrior of the North from Wattpad, as planned. The book is now moving ahead in the publishing process and a subsequent draft is in the works.
          If you still want to read the first-draft chapters, I am posting them weekly on my new Patreon page:
          Thank you for your interest in Nahla. If you want to stay updated on Nahla's journey through the publishing process, please join my free newsletter, where you will also get a free story and other goodies:
          Happy reading!
          Nick Marone


Hi all,
          Nahla: Warrior of the North will be removed from Wattpad at the end of July.
          Writing Nahla on Wattpad was a stunningly successful personal publishing experiment. My intention was always to remove it from Wattpad as I move the manuscript through the publishing process.
          I have news about Nahla, but I don't want to share it here because it involves spoilers for those who have not read the book. If you would like to know, please join my free newsletter, where I will announce the news in my next issue:
          Thank you for your interest in Nahla, and for joining me on this publishing journey.
          Happy reading!
          Nick Marone


The first draft of Nahla: Warrior of the North is now complete!
          I will leave this draft on Wattpad for a little while so you can finish reading it. However, soon after I start editing, I am removing it from the platform.
          If you want to learn about the story behind the story, you can check out a new blog article I posted on my website:


This week's chapter of Nahla: Warrior of the North is a bit more complex, thanks to the worldbuilding, setting, and character development. I want to get it right for this first draft. As such, I have not finished it this weekend. I will try to get it done tomorrow night.


Hi readers! This week's chapter of Nahla: Warrior of the North will be delayed until next week. Due to some serious worldbuilding and outlining, the chapter is only half-written right now.
            Also, I really need to get Space Trip II ready for publication. I am trying to prepare Space Trip II and write Nahla at the same time. If my schedule gets any tighter, I may need to pause Nahla while I finish the Space Trip II project. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but it's good to have a Plan B.
            Thank you for your patience and continued interest in Nahla. If you want to stay updated about Nahla and my Space Trip books (and get a free short story), please subscribe to my monthly newsletter at: