
I would like to state, as someone who was born in South Africa, that if you come to any country in Africa you'll find that people here are both modernized and cultural. We do not have lions in our backyard because then we'd be very dead. We have roads and cities. I endured a very painful episode of ignorance. I promise I you go to any country in Africa. You won't find people living in huts, only your more traditional people do. You won't find wild animals roaming around... Even tho they should in any part of the world. We wear clothes. I'm serious. We do not walk around shirtless. And for the people who also aren't aware. You do not only find Africans can also be made up of Indians and white people. You also get people who are mixed. Exhibit A - myself. My point is don't be ignorant. Don't assume when you don't know. That's the problem we're facing today. Understanding and respect of one another is key if we wanna live in a better world. But it's going to take effort from all of us.


It was no problem at all! Thank YOU for writing it!


@_bloopie_ I shall not  but thank you for taking the time to read my message.


@NicolaShadow Don't even get me started on the Dictators. But yes, it bugs me as well and it's extremely frustrating. 


I would like to state, as someone who was born in South Africa, that if you come to any country in Africa you'll find that people here are both modernized and cultural. We do not have lions in our backyard because then we'd be very dead. We have roads and cities. I endured a very painful episode of ignorance. I promise I you go to any country in Africa. You won't find people living in huts, only your more traditional people do. You won't find wild animals roaming around... Even tho they should in any part of the world. We wear clothes. I'm serious. We do not walk around shirtless. And for the people who also aren't aware. You do not only find Africans can also be made up of Indians and white people. You also get people who are mixed. Exhibit A - myself. My point is don't be ignorant. Don't assume when you don't know. That's the problem we're facing today. Understanding and respect of one another is key if we wanna live in a better world. But it's going to take effort from all of us.


It was no problem at all! Thank YOU for writing it!


@_bloopie_ I shall not  but thank you for taking the time to read my message.


@NicolaShadow Don't even get me started on the Dictators. But yes, it bugs me as well and it's extremely frustrating. 


Would you like a BoNeLeSs pizza


@FukMyPizza Yesssssss!!!!!!! Sounds great


@FukMyPizza with extra cheese please


Hey There. I've learned a lot in the time I haven't been on Wattpad. Wattpad has taught me a lot about myself and people. That everyone has problems. I suppose I always knew that, but some people's problems are seen as worse than others. How each individuals problems affects them is actually quite similar. No matter how small you feel your problem is in comparison to another, it isn't. Don't compare what you're going through to what someone else us going through. It's not the same thing and you aren't the same people, living the same life. I know what it feels like to feel like when people act like your problems are small while inside you're dying. So if ever you feel that you feel like you're useless and that your problems are nothing or someone has made you feel they are. Remember those are lies and there's always a solution to your problem you're just the one who decides what that is. I hope this helps at least one person.
          Yours Sincerely,