
Hi! do u plan make a new fic about Tom ? I love bakers gonna bake! is my favourite fic from Alfie ❤️ sometimes a miss a good fic with Tom being only actor and exploring his personal life on, if u consider make about this side of him, I will TOTALLY read! 


Hello! I was wondering what's happening with your story "Cocain&Champagne"?


I need to get back to it. I'm contending with a newborn right now so it's difficult. The new Tommy fic is one previously written on A03 so easy to edit and post during a night feed. Stick with me and I'll continue it soon :-) 


Love ur book BAKERS GONE BAKE..can't wait to read what happens curiousity level is sooo high right now...i hope u update sooner than later..thnks


Thank you so much!!! The end is nigh!! And I'm just trying to do it justice by not rushing but should be with you this week x


Hi know your a big fan of tom hardy just wondering if you can so a story on tom hardy as bill sykes/oc from bbc production of oliver twist 2007 it would be great if you could thanks very much for the other great storys you write.


That's a mighty fine idea  you inspired me to post a video edit of bill on my Instagram the other day. I shall consider this for sure. 