
I just recently got back online. Sorry for the disappearance. As soon as I get things back together, I'll be updating more. Thanks for your patience and love!!!!!!


Hi are u still online cuz if u are pls continue the book "Dark Hermione"


@zeuschrist  THANK YOU EXTREMELY MUCH FOR SUPPORT. After seeing what all of you thought of my work. (AND also my friends asking me not to switch and move to a new account) I have come to a final decision to submit all final on this account. I will slowly edit the first few chapters while working on the next one. I really TRULY appreciate everything!


@NightSpadesZ thank you thank you and i will wait its so interesting


@zeuschrist I am still here. Just moving things around and switching to another account. I will then create a new and better version of this book. Although I will keep this account as a draft workplace. The newer work of this book will have more words per chapter. Added plots. And will be better updated. I will spend the most time doing that. But I will post my original drafts here. While I am creating that account and final work. I will continue to upload on this account. The other one won't be released 20 chapters or more are completed. Along with my original works. Thank you for your support!