
Okay so in light of reaching 130 followers I have decided to open up a thingy for wolf ocs for my story Calling Fate. This is my list of requirements for the wolf (one or two per person) you can create that will make a special appearance in the story:
          	1)Must have one of the following elements: Sun, Moon, Light, Air, Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Death, Life  or Hybrid (two or more elements)
          	2) Must be one of the above elements respected clans. Sun wolves will be of the Sun clan and etc. Hybrids are the only exception as they really don’t have a clan and will eventually join the Keeper Clan. (Fyi they can also be of the Hell Clan and Heaven Clans to find out more about  those clans look in my characters book for Calling fate)
          	3) have the usual requirements: Name, eye color, background story, Fur color (heavily dependent upon clan wolf is from example: Earth wolves have the earthy colors of grass, trees and dirt but cannot be any fur color of blue unless they are a Hybrid of the Earth or Water Clans or Earth and Ice Clans. Sun wolves match the colors of the sunrises, sunsets and the sun and etc), wings or no wings (again dependent on Clan: Hell wolves have dragon/bat like wings while Air and Heaven wolves have feathered wings), accessories (dont weigh them down with a crap ton of jewelry but things like collars, bandannas, chain on a leg, maybe a bracelet or two) and wether or not they have scars.
          	Thats all the requirements needed. If interest PM me the info of the wolf and I will write it down along with your username so I know whose wolf/wolves are whose.


Hi NightWolves56, 
          I have one question, could I translate your book Demon Hunter: An Illidari story to czech language. It is your story, all right are your, of course. I would like to be better in english. My english isn't good, how you can see. I am going to give your channel to description, so readers will be able to read your original story. I won't none right on translated version. 
          What do you say about it?


Hello AgtaWolftree!
            Of course you may translate my story! I do apologize for the late reply as I have been busy the past few days but you are welcome to translate it!  I wish you the Best of luck with getting better at english too! 


Dear NightWolves,
          Good day to you! I am DeathDragonz also known as Rein. I would like to just relay a message to you from me.
          I have seen and read your book about the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt and I was hoping you would see if you could continue said book. I would kindly want to know your answer as soon as you are available. Please respond and have a good day.


            Good day to you as well! I am glad you reached out to me.
            My book about the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt (would you be kind enough to inform me of which one you wish updated as I believe I have one or two or a few up that I may be neglecting) will continue eventually, however the reason I have not been actively updating it is because I am slowly moving my stories over to Archive of Our Own, a site almost like Wattpad. I haven’t been getting the readers for a good majority of my stories as I was hoping to, and for a reason I cannot understand I haven’t been getting notifications from the wattpad app of when people comment on my stories, that and wattpad has been making a few changes I’m not entirely happy with. My story will update, I promise. Its just the matter of how quickly I can get it over to Archive of Our Own as I have several stories over there I am working as well. 
            Again thank you for reaching out to me and I hope you have a good day, if not a better one then what you were already having. 


Okay so in light of reaching 130 followers I have decided to open up a thingy for wolf ocs for my story Calling Fate. This is my list of requirements for the wolf (one or two per person) you can create that will make a special appearance in the story:
          1)Must have one of the following elements: Sun, Moon, Light, Air, Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Death, Life  or Hybrid (two or more elements)
          2) Must be one of the above elements respected clans. Sun wolves will be of the Sun clan and etc. Hybrids are the only exception as they really don’t have a clan and will eventually join the Keeper Clan. (Fyi they can also be of the Hell Clan and Heaven Clans to find out more about  those clans look in my characters book for Calling fate)
          3) have the usual requirements: Name, eye color, background story, Fur color (heavily dependent upon clan wolf is from example: Earth wolves have the earthy colors of grass, trees and dirt but cannot be any fur color of blue unless they are a Hybrid of the Earth or Water Clans or Earth and Ice Clans. Sun wolves match the colors of the sunrises, sunsets and the sun and etc), wings or no wings (again dependent on Clan: Hell wolves have dragon/bat like wings while Air and Heaven wolves have feathered wings), accessories (dont weigh them down with a crap ton of jewelry but things like collars, bandannas, chain on a leg, maybe a bracelet or two) and wether or not they have scars.
          Thats all the requirements needed. If interest PM me the info of the wolf and I will write it down along with your username so I know whose wolf/wolves are whose.


So for anyone who will care: I am starting to work once more on my Calling Fate original story. Found the files of both the start of the story and the lists of Characters featured in the first story!  Once I have the List of characters down on dear Wattpad I will publish it so everyone can understand which characters are which and what their "Elements" are. BUT I have something special in store for it. When I hit 129 or 130 followers I will open a little thing to have a character YOU  can create feature in the story. More details on that later... If you are willing.


Not sure if anyone really reads my posts on here or not but I'm in need of some help or someone willing to work with me on a project of mine. As you can see I have changed my profile pic to my necromancer that I have done on D3 (thanks again silverlineage and no i wont stop thanking you ;P) I was hoping someone could make her into a cool avatar picture or an awesome banner for my Twitch, FB, and on here profiles (yes I will credit the person who does it if they do) if not can someone point me to someone who can? Would really like to see her in an awesome avatar mode.


I just checked my follower count: 108. I am both honored and shocked beyond words, I had always figured that I would have at least 5 or so followers but y'all just blew my mind so a big thank you all for putting up with my squirrelly butt and sticking with me through the grueling process of me writing my stories. For this two of my stories will have a new chapter add each. I won't say which ones but two of them will.