
Hello everyone! I had been on a 1+ year hiatus unexpectedly because, well, adulting happened, and a global pandemic didn't make things easier. Anyway, I came back to so many messages on my board and I am so thankful to all of you who thought to check up on me or just simply leave a sweet note ♡ even if I didn't reply back to your message, know that I did read it and I appreciate you all so so much! I want to get back into the groove of writing (ta-da, I just updated a chapter for my KNY fic!) because I enjoy it so much, but please be patient with me because I have a full-time job now and other life things going on so I can't dedicate a lot of time into making fics. Updates may be slow(er), but know that I will do my best! ♡ 
          	Thank you guys, and I love you all!


@Nightblooming Welcome back! And update the Kimestu no Yaiba story please :)


@Nightblooming HIIIII!! I MISSED YOU! I have been reading all of your stories repeatedly, specially Spark because it was the very first story that I added to my library and I fell in love with it. Also, I am happy you are back and is striving. So happy for you and wish you all the best to your future endeavors. I love you!  ❤️


Welcome back ❤️
          	  I just got to the end of Spark and I’m looking forward to how you decide to end it


march 2024??'re alive..? you're alive... YOU'RE ALIVE OMFG IM SO HAPPY ONE OF MY FAV AUTHORS IS ALIVE HUHU. literally every good fcking author that i met either dead or no longer continues updating without the readers being informed if they still alive or what and its just so sad and worrying, at least now i know ur still alive and well