
          	Sorry for not posting a chapter last week. I concentrated on fixing the order of chapters. It's all in the right place now, thanks to wattpad support.
          	I'll try to update this weekend but no promises, sorry :/


Is Paul going to have another mate?


@ Trident21  I would give you an answer if I knew it. See, I started the story without any storyline. I just started writing. And I didn't think it would go this far. Ofc I had a few ideas in mind but a lot of them aren't included in the book because the storyline changed that much. A lot of comments inspire me as well. So I guess it'll be a surprise 


          I texted wattpad and got an answer that wasn't satisfying at all. And now they don't text me back at all.
          Problem is, that I don't know how to fix the chapters. Well, I theoretical know how, but they just don't stay where they are supposed to be.
          Way harder are the chapters with character names. I try to order them but it's hard to find their original spots. 
          I still hope to get an answer from wattpad. If I do I'll update


Hi the story you wrote which is the story of us is so amazing especially now with a somewhat cliffhanger and hoping that Carlisle's friend tells what is going on with the Emery situation and your really good at writing and the relationship is so far non toxic and hopefully it won't and I hope you don't cancel the book but if you want to it's fine and update at your own pace and rest if needed.


@ 12022NaZyea 
            Heyy. Thank you very much. Glad to hear such positive feedback about my story considering it's my first to upload and also the first time writing in english.
            About the updates: it will be slow. Not because I don't want to write but because of my education that takes my time and concentration. I'm planning to update on the weekend but I can't promise anything.
            Thanks again for your comment. It really motivates and was rly cute - means a lot. Also thanks for the follow <3


          Ich wollt mal bei allen meinen Followern vorbeischauen!
          Danke das du mir folgst, Love you <3
          You’re unique and perfect!
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@JeffsToast  Aww dankeee. Wie wärs wenn wir die cookies teilen? Dann wär mein Tag noch besser :p