
So mental health update because why not- I think my depression that I've recently learned of has decided to show up with my anxiety about stuff- so my AVPD butt is just craving Patton sanders Angst now QwQ 
          	Everything is FiNe-


@Nightlara I'm sorry- and now I wanna delete this but idk how ;W;


So mental health update because why not- I think my depression that I've recently learned of has decided to show up with my anxiety about stuff- so my AVPD butt is just craving Patton sanders Angst now QwQ 
          Everything is FiNe-


@Nightlara I'm sorry- and now I wanna delete this but idk how ;W;


Hi i posted the first part of the request! 


@XxRoman_KinniexX I just did- Sorry my phone died and I wasnt able to get to a charger till I got back home- Thank you for letting me know tgo- And I loved it so far


Hey everyone! Its been a while- Anyways as youve seen we now have a rewrite of one of my most viewed books- and we also have two new Sander sides books- Aka The Hearts Conflict and Mythicals and Legends (If I remember correctly that is-) Anyways I'm also planing on doing a rewrite on my mlp sorry as well and maybe even my Lion Gaurd one too. Since There has been a lot of different changes on how they should go now- Anyways all enjoy the new books and I will try to update as often as I can


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Let's share what we are thankful for today! I'll start
          I'm thankful for My life saving meds call Insulin. I wouldnt be alive today without them


@Nightlara I'm thankful for all my friends and family uwu


Ok, im working on a new book that will be called The Unittiens. Its the rewrite to my first book on here called Unittale character adventures. I plan to get atleast through the third chapter (Originally planed for the fourth but decided not to.) So keep an eye out for when it is published and if you want to see any rewrites of any other book, let me know. See you all!