
Hey everyone, sorry for taking my books down. My account was attacked by a hacker and I had to go into protection mode until I reclaimed full control of my account again. I'll have my books posted back up soon.


@Michael-Sorbello I’m glad things are better and I’m sorry it happened. Some people are a$$holes. 


@C4daver I actually got a bunch of my accounts attacked all at once including Amazon, Twitter, Gmail, Wattpad and a few others. I had to take the time to recover and change the private information on every single one. Luckily I managed to do this before any serious damage was done but it was definitely stressful 
          	  I appreciate the support and wish you Happy Holidays as well!


@Monrosey Someone got access to my email and password and were trying to delete my stuff and send out spam, luckily I got it under protection and recovered before any serious damage was done. Everything's okay now 


Hey everyone, sorry for taking my books down. My account was attacked by a hacker and I had to go into protection mode until I reclaimed full control of my account again. I'll have my books posted back up soon.


@Michael-Sorbello I’m glad things are better and I’m sorry it happened. Some people are a$$holes. 


@C4daver I actually got a bunch of my accounts attacked all at once including Amazon, Twitter, Gmail, Wattpad and a few others. I had to take the time to recover and change the private information on every single one. Luckily I managed to do this before any serious damage was done but it was definitely stressful 
            I appreciate the support and wish you Happy Holidays as well!


@Monrosey Someone got access to my email and password and were trying to delete my stuff and send out spam, luckily I got it under protection and recovered before any serious damage was done. Everything's okay now 