
Hey everyone I've decided to delete this account and yes all stories will be gone but not just that I want to start a new! My new account will be in the next msg I send out before I delete this account so be ready to see that soon. This account will be up for a while longer but only until 3:30 pm in my time meaning 16 hours before I abandon this account. I hope you guys will support me on my new account I will make very soon! Thank you all for your support and bye for now!


Hey everyone I've decided to delete this account and yes all stories will be gone but not just that I want to start a new! My new account will be in the next msg I send out before I delete this account so be ready to see that soon. This account will be up for a while longer but only until 3:30 pm in my time meaning 16 hours before I abandon this account. I hope you guys will support me on my new account I will make very soon! Thank you all for your support and bye for now!


To all my fam, I will be taking a week off of writing anything, I will be writing one more sans x reader chapter though before I take a week off. I know what you are all or not all thinking, "why?!". I am doing this because a new trimester had started at my school and I need to make sure I focus on this week and next week cause I have two concerts, one for band one for choir. After next week starts my winter break and that will be when I start engaging more into all my stories so don't worry! I will see you all later my beautiful and talented stars. :3


Hey guys so sorry for not updating! I promise that tonight there will be an update on my Sand x reader and also for those who have read my Aaron x Nijika Nicola and Laurence x Raven book 1 I will be..... rewriting the whole thing! I've gotten so much better at writing and I read through it many times and how the love story doesn't make much sense so look forward to that! Ciao~!