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Ouu I’m working on some next level shit, and this shit might actually take years lol but it’s fyeee


Hey guys, Idk if anyone cares but I’m a diagnosed bulimic and I have a romance book coming out and the main character has bulimia and other eating disorders. Just want to spread awareness and shine light on the not so commonly talked about eating disorders. I feel like so many people have bulimia and don’t even realize it. I didn’t realize I had it for a while too lol. 


@NilaBCappin omg i'll definitely be reading !!


I try not to publish another book before I finish publishing another one but I think it’s time for you guys to read about Michael and Jazelle. I know I said my last book was my favorite but I actually really do love this book lol. But there’s heavy heavy drug use in that book. It’s a lot worse than Joys drug use in Alone 2. But the book is great. Just needs some editing and I’ll publish soon.