
Hey everyone.
          	So, I've been kinda quiet for the last couple of weeks, sorry about that. College Deadlines have been kicking my ass for a while now, but I think I'm past the worse of it, so we're gonna start picking up speed on chapter progress. (I think I left the rewrite of the prelude at 14k last I checked.)
          	But, that is not the only thing I wanted to talk about.
          	So, recently I've been busy making a little stop motion comic of the first scene in Chapter one of Enter the Monsterverse as a college project, and I just finished it today. So, here it is.
          	This took me months to make, so I hope the effort was worth it. Please enjoy it!
          	Alright, I gotta sleep now. I'll see you guys when the Prelude rewrite releases.
          	Bub byeeee!


Hey everyone.
          So, I've been kinda quiet for the last couple of weeks, sorry about that. College Deadlines have been kicking my ass for a while now, but I think I'm past the worse of it, so we're gonna start picking up speed on chapter progress. (I think I left the rewrite of the prelude at 14k last I checked.)
          But, that is not the only thing I wanted to talk about.
          So, recently I've been busy making a little stop motion comic of the first scene in Chapter one of Enter the Monsterverse as a college project, and I just finished it today. So, here it is.

          This took me months to make, so I hope the effort was worth it. Please enjoy it!
          Alright, I gotta sleep now. I'll see you guys when the Prelude rewrite releases.
          Bub byeeee!


Heya, everyone. Chapter 5 is almost ready, so I figured I'd say it now just so there's no confusion with what comes after.
          When I post Chapter 5, I will primarily focus on completing the Kiryu: Enter the Monsterverse Rewrite. I have a myriad of reasons for doing this, both personal and just coming from common sense, but the main one is that seeing the original get so many views is starting to weigh down on me a bit because of the quality the OG is. I mean, seriously, we're 16K for a story that, while a cool concept, is flawed in a variety of ways. Giving Enter the Monsterverse the Make over it deserves is going to be my primary goal once Chapter 5 goes out.
          Now, this doesn't mean I'm just not going to be working on Pacific Mayhem in the meantime nor does this mean you'll be deprieved of Luna and Kiryu yelling at each other (Chapter 5 is going to end up being 15k words, so you'll have plenty to chew on.) I just feel like it's necessary before I do anything else. Get the story straight, make sure to establish character personalities and events better, the whole shaboom shabang.
          As for what happens to the Original, I honestly couldn't tell ya. I've debated on what I'll do for a very long time, whether or not to keep the OG separate, to completely get rid of the old chapters in favour of the new, all that stuff. 
          But what I've ultimately decided to do is unpublish the Originals and put the rewrite ones in their place to avoid confusion. The original ones will still exist and if people really want it I'll make a thing so that you can read them again if you want, but that's what I plan on doing.
          Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Chapter 5 coming soon.


Can‘t wait I‘m extremely excited 


Just saw Godzilla X Kong. My god, what a batshit crazy movie. If I could describe ADHD: The move, it'd be that movie. Surprisingly, the human characters felt... a bit more competent this time and the movie expands a lot more on Hollow Earth and how it functions, which I find super cool.
          Overall, I'd give the movie a 9/10. King of the Monsters is still my favourite Monsterverse Movie and Minus One is still my favourite Godzilla movie overall, but GxK might be tied with Kong: Skull Island for second best MV movie. SO much cool stuff happens and it's something that every Godzilla fan should see at least once.
          Definitely going to influence how I write Hollow Earth from now on.


I also got a free poster for seeing it, so that's a neat bonus as well.


Ayyyyy Pacific Mayhem finally reached 1K! Lesss goooooooo!
          Gonna be doing things a bit differently for a bit. Pacific Mayhem Chapter 5 is coming along really nice, so I'm gonna divide my time and work on the rewrite a small bit once that's out. Then, hopefully, fnaf will get an update and we'll go from there!


Ayyyy definitely well deserved  


Dude, I only just noticed that the Original Kiryu: Enter the Monsterverse hit 14k a while ago. What are ya'll doing to make it blow up this much?! (Thank you so much, it means so much to me even though it's old, you guys are the best.)


Yup, definitely the intention. Thanks for reading!


@Ninjamario246 I like the story and ur profile pic looks like Kiryu is gonna say that wasn't very cash money of you


          The surprise I have, is coming extremely soon. I'm too excited to keep it a secret so I'm just going to say it here.
          Over the course of February I have been hard at work rewriting literally every chapter in Pacific Mayhem except for Chapter 1. These are the entirely better versions and each of them reflect the quality of writing I have now.
          Chapter 2 is now 6770 words long.
          Chapter 3 is now 8942 words long.
          And finally, after so long, we finally have Chapter 4 at 12,067 words long, my longest written chapter I've ever written and only 2000 off from being double the size of the Final Chapter of Enter the Monsterverse.
          So yeah, safe to say that people who read the Godzilla stories are eating good right now.
          I know that so many other people write more then all of that combined in a day, I actually have a friend who has written a 70,000 word chapter before. And, I know length means nothing if the quality is bad. But, I really feel like the fact that I'm able to write to these lengths at all is an achievement that I should be proud of, so I am.
          Thank you all so much for being so patient with me, it really means a lot to me.
          All I have to do now is beta read Chapter 4 and make sure it's up to code, which will take like a day at most and then I'll let you animals have at em. I really hope you guys like this.
          Thanks for reading my stories.


Im extremely excited  


@Ninjamario246 nice. I'm excited to see how it goes. :)